Disable search..printers


Carl Boyd

I need to disable altogether Win2K Pro's ability to search
for printers in AD. Group policy lets me hide the search
menu, but Office XP has a "Find Printer" button that
brings up the search for printers applet. Is there any
way to either completely disable the search feature in
Win2K, or to disable that "find printer" button in Office

Buz [MSFT]

Hello Carl,

Here are some articles that may assist;

320138 HOW TO: Disable Automatic Search for Network Printers and Folders in

234270 Using Group Policies to Control Printers in Active Directory

Buz Brodin
MCSE NT4 / Win2K
Microsoft Enterprise Domain Support

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Did you ever find a way to hide the Find Printer button in OfficeXP
I know how to remove the Print... button from the File menu using th
Office Admin Templates that come with the OfficeXP Resource Kit. Yo
can find the control ID number which Print is 4 and put that in th
Disable Items in user interface/Custom/Disable command bar and men

Carl said:
*I need to disable altogether Win2K Pro's ability to search
for printers in AD. Group policy lets me hide the search
menu, but Office XP has a "Find Printer" button that
brings up the search for printers applet. Is there any
way to either completely disable the search feature in
Win2K, or to disable that "find printer" button in Office


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