In my table, I have 3 fields.
Hours, hourly_rate & total_chges.
The total_chges is the product of the Hours * hourly_rate.
Storing derived data such as this in your table accomplishes
three things: it wastes disk space; it wastes time (almost
any calculation will be MUCH faster than a disk fetch); and
most importantly, it risks data corruption. If one of the
underlying fields is subsequently edited, you will have data
in your table WHICH IS WRONG, and no automatic way to detect
that fact.
Just redo the calculation whenever you need it, either as a
calculated field in a Query or in the control source of a Form or a Report
I've tried setting each to Curr, Double & Single in my table.
Hourly_rate should be Currency, I would assume; Hours could either be a
Number... Single, or (perhaps better) Number... Long Integer storing minutes
rather than hours. If you're entering the starting time and the end time of
the work session in Date/Time fields you could use DateDiff() to dynamically
calculate the amoutn of time worked.
The data for these fields are entered on a form & the calc is performed on
the form & assigned to the respective fields in the tbl.
I've set the Format for these flds on the frm to Curr, Std & Number with the
same rounding up results
The Format merely controls how the value in the field is displayed. It does
not affect the storage of the data; that's controlled by the field's data type
(Number, Currency, Date/Time, etc.)