Disable prompting for updates

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How do you disable the prompt a user gets when an update is available. I
want to automatically update the application every time they start it.
Ask the guy that wrote the application. Apparently, he wanted it to behave
that way. Otherwise, why would it?


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
If you push something hard enough,
it will fall over.
- Fudd's First Law of Opposition
I find your remarks offensive. Don't respond to posts if this is the kind of
replies you give.

To Microsoft,

I forgot to mention that I am referring to ClickOnce. Is there a way to
disable the prompt when an update is available to the user.

I think we can disable the
In the project properties dialog/publish, click the updates
In the following dialog, disable the "The application should check for
And then you can perform updates programmatically using the ClickOnce API
Deploy and Update Your Smart Client Projects Using a Central Server

Best regards,

Peter Huang
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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You cannot disable the prompt but there is a way to get rid of it and
automatically update the client when a new version is available. In the
Application Updates dialog, there is a checkbox for "Minimum Required
Version". If you check this, it will force the update on the client
without showing him the "Update Available" prompt.


Sayed Y. Hashimi

Shameless Book Plug: Service-Oriented Smart Clients with .NET 2.0
I find your remarks offensive. Don't respond to posts if this is the kind
replies you give.

If you forgot to mention that you were referring to ClickOnce, how was I
supposed to know that that is what you were referring to? Apparently some
people here were able to guess. I tend not to guess. It makes me wrong less
often, and I feel a responsibility to not provide wrong information when
responding to questions. Poor communication on your part does not constitute
a lack of comprehension on my part. As to the kind of replies I give, I give
lots of replies every day, and have done so for years. Sometimes I write
thousands of words of explanation, a veritable chapter of a book. It all
depends on the question, and what the question tells me about the needs of
the person asking the question.

In your case, the question was poor. Programming is a form of communication.
You are communicating instructions to a computer. If your communication
skills are good, the program works as expected. If your communications
skills are sloppy, the program has errors and misbehaves. Garbage in,
garbage out. As your question was poor, I observed the only thing I could
observe without guessing, and that is that you need to discipline your
communication if you want to be a good programmer. Therefore, I wrote a
response designed to indicate this in an illustrative way. You were offended
by my response, but you *did* recognize that you had not been clear in your
question, and provided further and more informative data. Therefore, I
consider my response to have been in some measure, successful.

As to whether the lesson sticks, that is entirely up to you. As to whether
you are offended, that is irrelevant to me, other than as a statistic. I can
add it to the vast number of responses I receive, and if there is a
statistical trend of offending people, I may decide to modify my bedside
manner, depending upon the nature of the offense(s), taking into account the
personality traits of the people observed, and observations from those whom
I trust as counselors. You may consider your offense "noted."


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
If you push something hard enough,
it will fall over.
- Fudd's First Law of Opposition
Earth to Kevin,

Here's a helpful hint for you and your "trusted" counselors:

If a guy doesn't provide enough info on the first go round, and you're too
FN timid to grab a reasonable inference out of your hinder parts for fear of
being *wrong*, too afraid to ask a question yourself...well, maybe you should
leave this sort of question to minds like those who've responded with reason
and have demonstrated important abilities you obviously lack...

....and please, on a personal note, stop wasting technical bandwidth with
your bonehead philosophies.
