It's a module by module command/setting.
If the module already exists (or you've added something to the
sheet/ThisWorkbook module), then you have to add it manually.
But you can toggle a setting for new modules.
Inside the VBE
Tools|Options|Editor tab|check "Require variable declaration"
And any new modules you create will have that line at the top.
(Yes, any module you write VBA code should have this line in it.)
Saved from a previous post:
I do it for a much more selfish reason.
If I add "Option Explicit" to the top of a module (or have the VBE do it for me
via tools|options|Editor tab|check require variable declaration), I know that
most of my typos will stop my code from compiling.
Then I don't have to spend minutes/hours looking at code like this:
ctr1 = ctrl + 1
(One is ctr-one and one is ctr-ell)
trying to find why my counter isn't incrementing.
And if I declare my variables nicely:
Dim wks as worksheet
dim wks as object
and not
dim wks as variant
I get to use the VBE's intellisense.
If I use "dim wks as worksheet", then I can type:
(including the dot)
and the VBE will pop up a list of all the properties and methods that I can
use. It saves time coding (for me anyway).
And one final selfish reason.
If I use a variable like:
Dim ThisIsACounterOfValidResponses as Long
I can type
and hit ctrl-space and the VBE will either complete the variable name or give me
a list of things that start with those characters.
And by using a combination of upper and lower case letters in my variables, the
VBE will match the case found in the declaration statement.
ps. From what I've read, if you declare a variable as Integer, the modern pc
will have to spend time converting it to long. So I've stopped using "dim x as
integer". It's safer for me and quicker for the pc.
Same thing with "dim x as single". I'll never use it.
I'll use "dim x as double".