Disable new grid Chrome tabs on Android


Feb 23, 2002
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Google Chrome updated on my Android phone last night, and I hate the new grid tab layout, especially the new tab bar at the bottom of the screen. It seems like such a retrograde step to force even less viewing space on a mobile browser.

I had a look on how to disable this, but the steps I found online didn't work. If you want to disable this, try these steps:

Browse to:


Then search for "groups". Disable:
  • Tab Groups
  • Tab Groups Continuation
  • Tab Groups UI Improvements
Once you've done this, reload the browser using the button at the bottom.
Yes, I hate this too. Hopefully Google don't remove the flag for it like the seem to have a habit of doing in the past...
I hate this tab change enough that I'd switch browsers, and I'm normally pretty indifferent to things like this. Interesting that it's not just me that dislikes this!
We're definitely not the only ones. I've seen it talked about on various forums and of course, Reddit.
Just coming back to this, I had this change on my Pixel 4XL today, so I had a look through the Chrome Flags and found 'Tab Grid Layout'

Gives you many options between the grid, stack etc. so its also worth a look. :)
I see Google have been buggering about again. I'm on the chrome beta app and they've changed it again.
Yup! Reverted back on my phone too. Going to give it a try for a little bit, as it looks like they're going to force this change!
Yep, noticed this too - I hate the new tabs system :(.