DISABLE MESSENGER 4.7: How to shut it down alltogether?



I have trouble disabling Messenger 4.7.2009 on Winxp pro sp1.

- Sometimes it starts automatically even if it is disabled from the
- Shutting it down isn't possible, quitting it form the taskbar pops a
message saying that "you can't place a call without first connecting to the
..NET Messenger Service".
- Messenger activates when opening Outlook Express, again even if it is
disabled from the settings.

Any tips?


Jose Francisco


Try following these steps below:

1st Way:

1) Start > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs

2) As soon as the "Add/Remove Programs" window appears, click on Add/Remove
Windows Components (at the side).

3) Once the "Windows Components Wizard" window appears, scroll down to the
end and you'll "Windows Messenger" ticked. You just have to untick it and
just press next. You're Done!

It would take a few seconds in uninstalling Windows Messenger, so no need to
worry if your computer hangs.

2nd Way:

If you're in a hurry and don't like following the steps above, just
following these short steps:

1) Start > Run

2) Type in "RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection
%windir%\inf\msmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove" (Without the quotes)

Thanks and Good Luck!

Jonathan Kay [MVP]

Greetings Jussi,

Firstly, to fully disable Windows Messenger,open it up (click Start, then Run, type "msmsgs"
and click OK), click Tools, Options, Preferences tab and uncheck 'Run this Program when
Windows starts' or 'Run Windows Messenger when Windows starts' (depending on version) as well
as 'Allow this program to run in the background' or 'Allow Windows Messenger to run in the
background' (depending on version). This won't remove Windows Messenger, so features like
Remote Assistance, Whiteboard and Application Sharing will continue to work, but it will let
it stay out of your way.

Also, do you have Norton Antivirus installed? Recent versions of Norton Antivirus added a
new "instant messaging scanning" feature, which can conflict with Messenger and cause it to
also keep starting. To stop it, open Norton Antivirus (Right-click on the Norton Antivirus
icon in the System Tray/Notification Area (by the clock), choose 'Open Norton Antivirus'),
click Options, then Instant Messenger then uncheck MSN Instant Messenger and click OK.

Finally, to stop it from starting with Outlook Express, close Outlook Express, then download
and run the following .reg file:
(this is different from just setting the off in the options).
Jonathan Kay
Microsoft MVP - Windows Messenger/MSN Messenger
Associate Expert
Messenger Resources - http://messenger.jonathankay.com
All posts unless otherwise specified are (c) 2004 Jonathan Kay.
You *must* contact me for redistribution rights.

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