Disable login

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If you want to bypass the Welcome screen, try this:

From Start>Run type in

control userpasswords2

then uncheck 'Users must enter a user name and password to use this
computer' and click 'Apply'. On the next screen - 'Automatically Log On' -
delete the name 'Administrator' from the User name box and enter your
account name and then the password in the next two boxes. OK your way out
and then reboot your system.

Or you can use Tweak UI:

You can download TweakUI from
http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/downloads/powertoys.asp and when
installed go to Programs>Powertoys for Windows XP>Tweak UI - then go to


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups
BetteBoop said:
I want to disable logins on my computer. Is there a way to do this?

Will has answered your question, I think, but when I read your message
originally I was wondering why you'd want to prevent anyone from logging
in? If no one can login, then the PC's worth more as a doorstop than as
a PC.

The reader should exercise normal caution and backup the Registry and
data files regularly, and especially before making any changes to their
PC, as well as performing regular virus and spyware scans. I am not
liable for problems or mishaps that occur from the reader using advice
posted here. No warranty, express or implied, is given with the posting
of this message.
<sigh> I did what you said, and my system still started with a login screen.
I'm not sure I made myself clear on what I want to do.
Before i had my system "fixed", I would turn on my computer and get my
desktop. I didn't have to click on a name (owner) and then get my desktop.
Now, when I turn on my computer, I have to click on "Owner".
The reason I want to put it back to the way it was, is because I think the
way it is now, is preventing me from sharing a printer on my home network.
I have tried everything I can think of to get my computer to print on a
printer that is connected to another computer. I re-ran the network wizard
and add printer. I've checked and re-checked all the settings.
I do see the other computer on my system and the other computer does
recognize my system.
I could be wrong, but I think it has something to do with this login. Any
suggestions, I sure would appreciate it.
Thanks so much for answering me so quickly.
Well, I was always able to use my system for everything without this darn
login. The other computer on my home network doesn't have this. Which is
where I think my problem of not being able to print from my system to the
printer that is connected to the other system.
Am I making sense?