Disable keyboard navigation

  • Thread starter Thread starter Juan Cruz
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Juan Cruz

I'm preparing an organization chart for my company that
hyperlinks to a person's profile+photo. The org chart is
on slide 1 and I want people to navigate with the mouse
only, if they hit "enter" or the arrow keys, I want
PowerPoint to stay in slide 1. I thought of adding a
hidden slide 2 that redirects to slide 1, something like
adding a line in the code: onLoad="GoToSld(000xx.htm)" or
disabling the "enter" key with: Application.OnKey "~",""
but none of these seem to work (I don't know much about
Visual Basic, I'm just guessing here).

How can I disable the "enter" key and the arrows so that
the person can only navigate by clicking the hyperlinks?

(I know I can prepare the org chart in HTML, but then, I
want to use PowerPoint animations in the slides!!!)
Go to Slide Show--> Set up Show and set your presentation to "Kiosk". In
this mode, the only way to navigate through a presentation is via clicks on
navigation elements you add and control, with one exception. You will still
be able to use the escape key to leave the presentation.

I would also do one more thing: Instead of linking directly to the person's
profile and photo, create a custom show for each person and link to that.
When you set up the link to the custom show, you will be given an option to
"Show and Return" - select that option. Now, with the presentation you have
described, you won't even need navigation buttons anywhere but on the Org
Chart slide. (And all you will need on that slide is an end show slide.)

Does that make sense?

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived