Mark Kubicki
I have a frmDataEntry, which has on it (along with many other controls and
data entry fields) these three (3) items:
txtManufacturer - text, box; its default value on a new record is
nothing (null?)
txtCatalogNo - text box; its default value on a new record is
nothing (null?)
also, it should not be active until a value
has been entered in txtManufacturer
cmdAppNotes - command button; it should be disabled untill values
have been entered in BOTH txtManufacturer and txtCatalogNo
to this end I have entered the following code behind these envents (but, it
is not always effective):
If Len(Nz(Me.txtManufacturer)) > 0 Then
Me.txtCatalogNo.Enabled = True
Me.txtCatalogNo.Enabled = False
End If
If Len(Nz(Me.txtCatalogNo)) > 0 Then
Me.cmdAppNotes.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAppNotes.Enabled = False
End If
with similar coding added behind the events: form_current(),
txtManufacturer_afterupdate(), txtCatalogNo_afterupdate()
any suggestions will be greatly (as always) appreciatd,
data entry fields) these three (3) items:
txtManufacturer - text, box; its default value on a new record is
nothing (null?)
txtCatalogNo - text box; its default value on a new record is
nothing (null?)
also, it should not be active until a value
has been entered in txtManufacturer
cmdAppNotes - command button; it should be disabled untill values
have been entered in BOTH txtManufacturer and txtCatalogNo
to this end I have entered the following code behind these envents (but, it
is not always effective):
If Len(Nz(Me.txtManufacturer)) > 0 Then
Me.txtCatalogNo.Enabled = True
Me.txtCatalogNo.Enabled = False
End If
If Len(Nz(Me.txtCatalogNo)) > 0 Then
Me.cmdAppNotes.Enabled = True
Me.cmdAppNotes.Enabled = False
End If
with similar coding added behind the events: form_current(),
txtManufacturer_afterupdate(), txtCatalogNo_afterupdate()
any suggestions will be greatly (as always) appreciatd,