Disable Bluetooth (.NET CF or Reg?) iPaq 2210


Andrew Martin

I've got to hack iPaqs so that the users can't access BT
functionality. Are there any interfaces that I can programmatically
disable in my application or registry settings that might allow me to
disable it? I'm tempted to load regedit and just start playing with
the stack.

Any ideas are appreciated. I did not find much after searches.


Paul G. Tobey [eMVP]

If there's a Bluetooth driver loaded, it's probably listed in
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn. You should probably just take a look
and see what seems like it might be Bluetooth.

Paul T.

Andrew Martin

I've got to hack iPaqs so that the users can't access BT
functionality. Are there any interfaces that I can programmatically
disable in my application or registry settings that might allow me to
disable it? I'm tempted to load regedit and just start playing with
the stack.

Any ideas are appreciated. I did not find much after searches.


I deleted:
\HKLM\SOFTWARE\Widcomm\Connection Wizard

And it tricks the device into thinking it does not have a BT radio
installed. Probably a little overkill, but it didn't appear to effect
other functions (some of the BT Apps gave the wrong errors, but
nothing crashed).


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