Disable Automatic Hyperlink

  • Thread starter Thread starter MMD
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Does anyone know how to prevent Excel from converting
items in a cell to a hyperlink? It automatically formats
things that are like "05/31@06/30" to a hyperlink.

Thanks for your help
Hi ....,
You may find it a lot simpler to just let them be created
and then delete the hyperlinks all at one time from a selection
with a macro.

You can immediately undo the hyperlink with UNDO (Ctrl+z). If you
have not entered a hyperlink already you can precede the text with a single quote.

Build Table of Contents, similar listings, working with Hyperlinks

subtopic: Removing object hyperlinks from a Cell or cell range (#DelHyperlinks)

Sub DelHyperLinks()
End Sub

For those with Excel XL (Excel 2002) you can suppress hyperlink generation
under the Auto Correct from the Tools menu.
Tools (menu), Autocorrect Options, Autoformat as you type (Tab).

If not familiar with installing / using macros see

All that being said, you could have done a search on Google Groups
search for all words: disable automatic hyperlink*

and I am positive you would have found threads previous to this with answers.
but my buildtoc.htm#delhyperlinks will have the information in one place
along with additional information on this and related issues..