Loren said:
I am dealing with a serious gaming addiction. I can make the entire PC
inaccessible but that would make it too easy to get out of doing homework.
there a way to set up a user account that does not have the ability to run
anything off a CD?
Anything you can do, software-wise, a smart kid will probably figure out how
to un-do.
You could just remove the CD drive entirely. If it's required that he burns
things to CDs, you could get an external CD burner and keep it in a locked
drawer somewhere, and only pull it out when required.
Or unplug the internal power on the CD drive and use some sort of unusual
screws on the case. A spanner would be sufficiently unusual. Then lock up
that screwdriver. Some cases have tabs where you can put a lock to keep it
from being opened.
Of course, this makes it inconvenient for you, if you also use the computer
and need the CD drive.
Most of the things I can think of, I can also think of a way around it, if
the kid is sufficiently motivated and has time and access to the computer.
You might want to look into denying access to this particular computer, then
getting one that is sufficient for homework but inadequate for game playing.