DirectX Problem



I am using Windows XP Pro with all upgrades available from the Microsoft
Windows Update. Recently, I installed the DirectX 9.0c and some issues

While running games (Half-Life for example) my computer started doing one of
two things after having played for some time (for how long I can play before
this happens seems random):
My PC spontaneously restarts (I see a flash of a blue screen with white
text, but the computer restarts so fast it's impossible to read what it says).
Or it simply closes the game I was running and returns to the desktop (I
have experienced this with Internet Explorer as well...).

I am using a GeForce2 MX/MX 400, with the latest software update from nVIDIA

What is the problem? What can I do? There is no way to uninstall DirectX,
and I have already tried reinstalling both DirectX and my video card driver
but it doesn't fix the problem.

Major thanks in advance

Michael W. Ryder

Kasper said:
I am using Windows XP Pro with all upgrades available from the Microsoft
Windows Update. Recently, I installed the DirectX 9.0c and some issues

While running games (Half-Life for example) my computer started doing one of
two things after having played for some time (for how long I can play before
this happens seems random):
My PC spontaneously restarts (I see a flash of a blue screen with white
text, but the computer restarts so fast it's impossible to read what it says).
Or it simply closes the game I was running and returns to the desktop (I
have experienced this with Internet Explorer as well...).

I am using a GeForce2 MX/MX 400, with the latest software update from nVIDIA

What is the problem? What can I do? There is no way to uninstall DirectX,
and I have already tried reinstalling both DirectX and my video card driver
but it doesn't fix the problem.

Major thanks in advance

Have you checked the temperature of your video card and power supply
right after a crash. Also, do you have any software to monitor the
power supplies voltages and log them to a file while you play the game
to see if the power supply is failing.

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