
  • Thread starter Thread starter Nibe
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I have installed WinXpe on my system which run as shell an application
written in C#, which use DirectX to play some mp3 .
I have correclty installed, audio driver, video driver directx9.0c and the
managed code of DirectX.
I also included Multimedia Application Compatibility in Target Design.
Application seems to start, but suddenly it give me an alert message saying:
"Error in the application Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayBack"
And in background I hear my mp3, but main Windows form don't appear, just
the alert error message.

Anybody, can give me some advice? I'm going mad.
Thanks in advance

Ran into a similar issue several months ago. If memory serves the simple
solution was to reinstall Directx 9 after FBA had completed. Some of the
managed dll's don't seem to be included in the xpe database, reinstalling
directx made sure they would be available.