Windows XP directx 9 problems

Jun 28, 2006
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Hi don't know if im in the right thread, but i need help trying to get directx 9 on my pc from a game called roller coaster tycoon 3. keeps coming up wid message saying not windows logo tested. And i cannot put sp2 on my pc so any help would be fannytastic as i can't even play my game yet. cheers to all that reply
DirectX 9.0c update fix

Those having issues with upgrading Directx to 9.0c read on:
1.Dnload Directx 9.0b (full ver)
2. Install 9.0b
3. Run dxdiag...Current Ver should now show 9.0b
4. Dnload 9.0c (full ver)
5. Extract the contents to respective folder.
6. Copy setup file and 2 other files which are not in the cab file, from 9.0b folder to the directory of Directx 9.0c
7. This will overwrite the installer and other 2 files..let it overwrite.
8. Run the setup file from Directx 9.0c folder.
9. Walla!!! it will install all the correct drivers.
10. dxdiags...and u will be on 9.0c
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