DirectX 9.0b Issues


Jonathan White

I recently did a complete motherboard upgrade including
processor and RAM. I am running an Athlon 3000+ 400 FSB,
1 GB RAM, nForce 2 controller, Geforce 4 TI 4800 card,
the best detonator drivers on it. After installing the
mobo I had to "repair windows XP" in order for it to
install new drivers for the new stuff. Well everything
went well and I can run certain games. But for some (GTA
3 and BF1942 in particular) minimize to the desktop upon
loading and will not restore themselves! I have been able
to get BF1942 to work with a resolution of 800x600
however, and installing a shadow copy of windows XP on my
other hard drive I could run GTA3 with Directx 8.1 (what
shipped with XP) Now my question is, can I some way
revert back to DirectX 8.1 or somehow reinstall 9.0b
without having to reinstall windows (I would lose a lot
of settings). I am willing to do any hacking and slicing
to get this done so don't be afraid to be technical :)
Thank you very much!

- Jon White


Jonathan White said:
I recently did a complete motherboard upgrade including
processor and RAM. I am running an Athlon 3000+ 400 FSB,
1 GB RAM, nForce 2 controller, Geforce 4 TI 4800 card,
the best detonator drivers on it. After installing the
mobo I had to "repair windows XP" in order for it to
install new drivers for the new stuff.

That's your problem.. You can't do a whole computer upgrade and expect the
installed XP to work.


John Dingley

This is is not true. Repair installs have worked very well with no problems
at all on complete system changes for me. I know some have not been so lucky

I'm sure you have thought of this, but since you didn't mention it, I will -
have you checked for a game update/patch?

Jonathan White

Yes the games are completing updated. I hate to
reinstall, but if I have to thats what I am going to
do.... Thanks for your help guys!

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