DirectX 8.1 To DirectX 9.0B



I downloaded DirectX9.0B from MS site. When I try to install it, I get the message "the software you are trying to install
has not passed Windows Logo testing. DirectX did not copy a required file". I have done a lot of research and have
found that the service "Encryption Service" is stopped. When I try to start the service, I get the msg: could not start
the Cryptograhic Services service on local computer. Error 127: the specified procedure could not be found".
The services RPC and RPC Locator are both started.
I'm not sure where to go from here and any help will be greatly appreciated.
I am runningh Windows XP, 1 ghz processor, 512 mg ram.


I downloaded DirectX9.0B from MS site. When
I try to install it, I get the message
"the software you are trying to install
has not passed Windows Logo testing.

That version of DirectX should work... but the caveat is that your
video card must be up to the job. Do you have a really old card?

You don't mention what card you're using, but whatever it is you
should update the drivers from manufacturer's web site.

Tedd Riggs

How long ago did you download this ? I know that for several months that the
download for WMP 9 was a beta version (and thus the B) however sometime in
January I noticed that there is no mention of Beta and when I downloaded it,
it looks like a new version. I would not worry to much about the MS error
message about passing Logo testing. Sometimes that can take a while to get
updated. Is your version 9660 KB large ? That is the new one that is on this

I do not see any of the issues that you addressed in going thru the ReadMe
file, so maybe this one will work ? Readme is:

Tedd Riggs
PDA Square Content Developer

Randy said:
I downloaded DirectX9.0B from MS site. When I try to install it, I get
the message "the software you are trying to install
has not passed Windows Logo testing. DirectX did not copy a required
file". I have done a lot of research and have
found that the service "Encryption Service" is stopped. When I try to
start the service, I get the msg: could not start
the Cryptograhic Services service on local computer. Error 127: the
specified procedure could not be found".


I replied earlier,, not sure where that reply went.
I was using an AOPEN Model:MX400-64MB-AGP video card. I think it's toast! I have been using the video card on the motherboard dut to earlier diaplay problems. I just tried to install the AOPEN card and still get garbage. I'll get a ne
card and try that. I'm sure that will resolve the problem. I didn't realize Directx was so dependent on the video card
Do you have any reccomendations on what card to get? I have a "KOGI" 17" LCD display
Thanks to everyone for their help. It is really appreciated!!!

----- -xiray- wrote: ----

On Wed, 28 Jan 2004 09:21:09 -0800, "Randy
I downloaded DirectX9.0B from MS site. When
I try to install it, I get the message
"the software you are trying to instal
has not passed Windows Logo testing.

That version of DirectX should work... but the caveat is that you
video card must be up to the job. Do you have a really old card

You don't mention what card you're using, but whatever it is yo
should update the drivers from manufacturer's web site


Do you have any reccomendations on what card to get? I have a "KOGI" 17" LCD display.

I like the ATI cards. The 9200 is pretty good, but if you want to pay
more there are also the others (9600, 9800). BUT before you buy one of
the upper priced cards check your AGP slot version (whether it is 2x,
4x or 8x) AND check your motherboard specs to see what the voltage of
the slot is. My guess about the voltage is 1.5 V, but check because
mismatching that can fry not just the video card, but the motherboard
as well.

By the way, your KOGI display was inexpensive for a reason. I looked
at that model, the price is attractive, but I wasn't too impressed
with its ability to display text nor its brightness and contrast

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