DirectorySearcher bug?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Arjan ter Horst
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Arjan ter Horst


While programming against a directory service I came across the following:

I try to use the DirectorySearcher class for searching a directory. This
class has a member called SearchScope which can be set to three values Base,
OneLevel and Subtree.
I ran into some trouble and looked at the ldap request with a sniffer. It
seems to me that regardless of what value I assign to SearchScope, in the
LDAP request it always says Base Object!!!

Did anyone else notice this? Is it a bug? Did I do something wrong? Any

I try to use the DirectorySearcher class for searching a directory. This
class has a member called SearchScope which can be set to three values Base,
OneLevel and Subtree.
I ran into some trouble and looked at the ldap request with a sniffer. It
seems to me that regardless of what value I assign to SearchScope, in the
LDAP request it always says Base Object!!!

I can't confirm that - I've definitely gotten results back that would
indicate the "SubTree" scope works.

Marc Scheuner May The Source Be With You!
Bern, Switzerland m.scheuner(at)