Directory Browsing using Cassini .Net 2.0



Anyone know how to enable Directory Browsing using the Cassini web
server on .Net 2.0 ? Right now it says HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden when
I go to a folder on my web site. Thanks,


Norman Yuan

Are you talking a web app browsing directory on the server?

My understanding is that Cassini is just a substitute of IIS to host ASP.NET
application. Whether a web app can browse directory on the server
comupter/server network, is decided according to the user account that runs
the web app. If the user account (be it ASPNET, Network Services,
IUSER_CoputerName, or other impersonated account, depending on your app's
design/configuration) does not have the permission to do so, then you get
the HTTP Error. You would either change the running user account, or give
the running account permission to perform what your app does to the
network/computer resources.

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