Director Player Error...huh?

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Recently stopped midgame and when returned found a sort of "full" message.
Sent error message to Microsoft and they had no fix for it. Have now lost
some online gaming sites with this error message.
"This application requires an Xtra (Vector Shape)that either does not exist
or failed to initialize properly. Please make sure the appropriate Xtras are
in the Xtras
folder(s)." Tried to reinstall Shockwave...same message but instead of
(Vector Shape) its (Flash Movie). Dont know what these folders are and cant
find info on this error message. Please help as I am finding more and more
sites unavailable.
Thanks for any help,
Hi Coco,

| Recently stopped midgame and when returned found a sort of "full" message.
| Sent error message to Microsoft and they had no fix for it. Have now lost
| some online gaming sites with this error message.
| "This application requires an Xtra (Vector Shape)that either does not exist
| or failed to initialize properly. Please make sure the appropriate Xtras are
| in the Xtras
| folder(s)." Tried to reinstall Shockwave...same message but instead of
| (Vector Shape) its (Flash Movie). Dont know what these folders are and cant
| find info on this error message. Please help as I am finding more and more
| sites unavailable.
| Thanks for any help,
| Coco

Since that problem just started happening recently, try a System Restore.

How to use Windows XP System Restore:

Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S.

Game FAQs:;[LN];gms
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MS Support at:;en-us;top
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.
Thanks Jimmy S. I should have mentioned I tried system restore, a few times,
even set back to a month ago. No change. Any other suggestions?
Thanks Coco
I found the answer. In case anyone runs across this same error message, it
had to do with Shockwave. I uninstalled Shockwave and then installed the
10.1 version. All the games run smoothly now.
Thanks for your thoughts.
Hi Coco,

Yes, indeed. The extra's folder was a tip off that it was shockwave
issue, or related to shockwave. I'm glad you got that sorted out. :-)

Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S.

Visit my MSN and Gaming Help Site:
MS Games Help and Support Center:
My advice is donated "AS IS" without warranty; nor do I confer any rights.

|I found the answer. In case anyone runs across this same error message, it
| had to do with Shockwave. I uninstalled Shockwave and then installed the
| 10.1 version. All the games run smoothly now.
| Thanks for your thoughts.
| Coco
| "Coco" wrote:
| > Recently stopped midgame and when returned found a sort of "full" message.
| > Sent error message to Microsoft and they had no fix for it. Have now lost
| > some online gaming sites with this error message.
| > "This application requires an Xtra (Vector Shape)that either does not exist
| > or failed to initialize properly. Please make sure the appropriate Xtras are
| > in the Xtras
| > folder(s)." Tried to reinstall Shockwave...same message but instead of
| > (Vector Shape) its (Flash Movie). Dont know what these folders are and cant
| > find info on this error message. Please help as I am finding more and more
| > sites unavailable.
| > Thanks for any help,
| > Coco