DirectDependents not working properly.



I am having extreme difficulty determining if a cell has dependents:

Function CellA1HasDependents()
Dim R As Range
Set R = Range("MySheet!A1").DirectDependents
if R Is Nothing then

Whether another cell (on MySheet) refers to A1 or NOT, R is always Not

What am I doing wrong?




My difficulties and confusion increase, not decrease.

If A1 has 1+ dependents, then if in the VBE Immediate window I type
Range("MySheet!A1").DirectDependents.Count, I get a correct answer.


1) If A1 has no dependents, then the expression throws an error (1004)
instead of answering "0". Why?

2) When the same expression is used in my FUNCTION, then, whether A1
has dependents or not, it a) always produces spurious value 1, and b)
never throws an error.

What is all this illogical behavior?



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