I had a problem with a tiny bit of code at work today and
hoped one of you may have the answer.
In my department, our IT guys are so clever that some
people have the departments files stored on the G:\
drive, and some on the K:\ (dont ask).
Therefore, at the start of alot of my code I have to
obtain the correct path of the person running the code.
To do this, I wrote something similar to this (this is
from memery):
mydir = Dir("K:\", vbDirectory)
If mydir > "" Then Path = "K:\"
Else path = "G:\"
This works fine if the person running the code has the
departments files on the K:\ drive, but if they are on
the G:\ drive it gets a runtime error (68 if I remember
rightly) probably because the K:\ doesnt exist!
How can I prevent this error from happening? Apart from
sack our LAN Administration guys!
hoped one of you may have the answer.
In my department, our IT guys are so clever that some
people have the departments files stored on the G:\
drive, and some on the K:\ (dont ask).
Therefore, at the start of alot of my code I have to
obtain the correct path of the person running the code.
To do this, I wrote something similar to this (this is
from memery):
mydir = Dir("K:\", vbDirectory)
If mydir > "" Then Path = "K:\"
Else path = "G:\"
This works fine if the person running the code has the
departments files on the K:\ drive, but if they are on
the G:\ drive it gets a runtime error (68 if I remember
rightly) probably because the K:\ doesnt exist!
How can I prevent this error from happening? Apart from
sack our LAN Administration guys!