Thanks for you help!
Doug, I tried to get to your suggested web page and it said "The Requested
Web Page is Not Available". I can try to get to it later.
While I was waiting for a reply, I tried this code using
Application.FileSearch. This begins with a user clicking a button. What is
your thoughts on using this code?
Thanks again!!
Private Sub cmdFileSearch_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrcmdFileSearch_Click:
Dim strDrive As String, strFile As String, strFilePath As String
Dim strTableName As String, varReturnFilePath
'validate the drive and file textboxes for entry...
If Len(Me!txtDrive) <= 1 Or IsNull(Me!txtDrive) Then
MsgBox "Need to SELECT a drive.", vbInformation, "FILE INVENTORY
Exit Sub
ElseIf Len(Me!txtFileSelection) <= 1 Or IsNull(Me!txtFileSelection) Then
MsgBox "No files have been found.", vbInformation, "FILE INVENTORY
Exit Sub
End If
'Initialize form....
strTableName = "tblFileList"
Call subClearTable(strTableName)
Me!txtDisplayFiles = ""
'Gather info to store files...
strDrive = Me!txtDrive & "\"
strFile = Me!txtFileSelection
strFilePath = Dir(strDrive & strFile)
varReturnFilePath = fReturnFilePath(strFile, strDrive)
MsgBox "Inventory Complete", vbExclamation, "FILE INVENTORY UTILITY"
Me!txtDisplayFiles = ""
Set curDB = Nothing
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Number & Err.Description
Resume ExitcmdFileSearch_Click:
End If
End Sub
Function fReturnFilePath(strFilename As String, _
strDrive As String) As String
Dim varItm As Variant
Dim strFiles As String
Dim strFileTmp As String
Const cTIME = 200 'in MilliSeconds
strFiles = ""
strTmpDrive = ""
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = strDrive
.SearchSubFolders = True
.FileName = strFilename
.MatchTextExactly = False
.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
If .Execute > 0 Then
For Each varItm In .FoundFiles
strFileTmp = fGetFileName(varItm)
fReturnFilePath = varItm
'Write to mdb table "tblMdbList"
Call subStoreFilesInTable(strTmpDrive, strFileTmp)
'show the files being searched...
Me!txtDisplayFiles = strTmpDrive & strFileTmp
'Call sSleep(cTIME)
Next varItm
End If
End With
End Function
Private Function fGetFileName(strFullPath) As String
Dim intPos As Integer, intLen As Integer
intLen = Len(strFullPath)
If intLen Then
For intPos = intLen To 1 Step -1
'Find the last \
If Mid$(strFullPath, intPos, 1) = "\" Then
strTmpDrive = Left$(strFullPath, intPos)
fGetFileName = Mid$(strFullPath, intPos + 1)
Exit Function
End If
Next intPos
End If
End Function