I am trying to display a field in a query based on multiple criteria. I have
one field defined this way:
Group: IIf([Alternate Group]="Carbox","02 Carbox","01 Patient Supplies")
I then want this field to calculate next
Group Description:If ([SaleType]="R","05 Rental",[Group Description]
It works with this exception. I want to sort the Group Description
Ascending so that the 01 is first, 02 second, and 05 last.
It asks me to 'Enter Parameter Value' for Group when I run the query.
I think if I make it a Make Table Query without sorting I can then create
another query pulling that table in which I can sort but am hoping to do it
all in this query.
Thanks in advance..
one field defined this way:
Group: IIf([Alternate Group]="Carbox","02 Carbox","01 Patient Supplies")
I then want this field to calculate next
Group Description:If ([SaleType]="R","05 Rental",[Group Description]
It works with this exception. I want to sort the Group Description
Ascending so that the 01 is first, 02 second, and 05 last.
It asks me to 'Enter Parameter Value' for Group when I run the query.
I think if I make it a Make Table Query without sorting I can then create
another query pulling that table in which I can sort but am hoping to do it
all in this query.
Thanks in advance..