Sometimes saving old manuals pays off (for someone else, that is)...
I have manuals for the Panasonic 1090 and for the Roland 1212A, which I
believe was also called the Panasonic 1092 or 1092i.
The 1212A/1092, have the dipswitches to the left of the place the ribbon
cable for the head is tethered to.
The 1090 had the dip switch access underneath the printer.
I will provide you with both, and you can perhaps interpolate.
The 1090 has only one 8 dip switch unit. The 1212A/1092 has two dip
switch banks, one 8, the other 4.
Starting with the 1090, the dip swiches are:
1- Selection of printing mode: OFF= 96/line elite | *ON= 80/line Pica
2- Selection of skip perferation or not OFF = Skip | *ON = No Skip
3- AUTO FEET XT signal *OFF = no line feed | ON = Line Feed
(not fixed internally) (Fixed low internally)
4- 7-bit/8-bit code *OFF = 8 bit | ON = 7 bit
5- To set int. character set *ON,ON,ON = USA ON,ON,OFF = FRANCE
8- 1-line paper feed *OFF = 1/6" (4.2mm) | ON = 1/8" (3.2mm)
* = default from factory
For the 1212A Roland/Panasonic 1092
Switch 1 (8 dip switch bank)
1- Printer mode OFF = IBM Proprinter mode | *ON = Standard Mode
2- Paper Out Detect *OFF = Effective | ON = Ineffective
3- AUTO FEED XT *OFF = Not Fixed Internally | ON = Fixed Internally
4- Skip Perferation *OFF = No Skip | ON = 1 inch skip
5- Int Character *ON,ON,ON =USA OFF,ON,ON =FRANCE ON,OFF,ON =Germany
6- " " OFF,OFF,ON =England ON,ON,OFF =Denmark
7 " " OFF,ON,ON =Sweden ON,OFF,OFF =Italy OFF,OFF,OFF =Spain
8- 7/bit 8/bit *OFF = 8 bit | ON = 7 bit
* = default from factory
If Switch 1 is in OFF (IBM Proprinter) position, switch 7 will determine
the IBM Character Set selected:
Switch 7 OFF = IBM Character Set 1 (ASCII = 96 Special Characters = 95)
ON = IBM Character Set 2 (ASCII = 96 Special Characters = 132)
If you have a second dip switch bank of 4 on your printer, email me for
the details,