dinamic disk with FAT32

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fabiola
  • Start date Start date
as a side question...
can anyone explain the desirability of dynamic
disks over basic disks

Overrides the 3 + 4 partition limit.

On a basic disk, you can have 4 partitions. One of them, the last, can be
Extended, which can hold other four (logical), a total of 7 usable
partitions, out of which Windows 9x can only correctly work with 5 (only one
primary partition can be visible at a time). It was OK back then but now
disks are growing larger and with a 120GB disk, 7 partitions are too little.

Other limitations apply due to FAT file systems and since a normal FAT has
quite a small maximum size (2G), you could not use a 60GB disk, since W95
could only see 5 partitions (1 primary + 4 logical) and it has a 10 GB
limitation per disk drive. Other limitations apply. W95 OSR2 and later can
see FAT32. That, however, is far from unlimited, FAT itself by design is
self-limitating. That's one of the reasons NTFS is here.

With a dynamic disk you can partition it however you like, it can hold
anything you like thus eliminating any future limitations. The drawback
being you need Windows NT 5.0 (2000) or later. If this your only drive, dual
boot is out of the question.

Note: This is from a old memory, I might be off with some of the details.
But I've made an upgrade on a FAT32 to dynamic and now I
can't see the content of that disk.

Any idea ?

But I've made an upgrade on a FAT32 to dynamic and now I
can't see the content of that disk.

Any idea ?


By "upgrade on a FAT32 to dynamic" I assume you mean that the dynamic disk
contained at least one FAT32 partition. If so, it should be visible from NT5
(Win 2000) or later.

What do you see in Disk Management? Any error messages? What do you mean by
"made an upgrade"? If you mean re-installing Win2000, then it's fully
possible that you have lost data, see this MS Knowledge Base article:


Best regards

Yes, it contains one FAT32 partition.
I'm using Windows 2000 but this disk is not visible. I
can't see the files.