Hi John,
I have tried to set out what I am trying to achieve. There is two sub-forms
in the main form. The first sub-form is frmSystemList which has the combobox
which set the criteria for the second sub-form. I have included the SQL for
the queries of both forms.
So I hope this gives you an understanding of what I have done wrong with the
requery of the combobox.
frmSystem - This is the main form
frmSystemList (Sub-Form) – This is a continious form that has one field
SystemList combobox. That up-dates the table tbSystemList.
Private Sub SystemList_AfterUpdate()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub
Query SQL’s for the form frmSystemList
(1) qSystemLookup
SELECT tbSamples.s, tbSamples.MAINTPLANT, [Forms]![frmSystem]![Plant] AS Expr1
FROM tbSamples
WHERE (((tbSamples.MAINTPLANT)=[Forms]![frmSystem]![Plant])) OR
((([Forms]![frmSystem]![Plant]) Is Null))
ORDER BY tbSamples.s;
(2) qSystemLookup-1
SELECT qSystemlookup.s, Count(qSystemlookup.s) AS CountOfs,
FROM qSystemlookup
GROUP BY qSystemlookup.s, qSystemlookup.MAINTPLANT;
(3) qSystemLookup-1 Without Matching tbSystemList
SELECT [qSystemLookup-1].s
FROM [qSystemLookup-1] LEFT JOIN tbSystemList ON [qSystemLookup-1].s =
WHERE (((tbSystemList.SystemList) Is Null));
frmSystemSub (Sub-Form) – This is the second sub form which re-query’s
after the up-date of FrmSystemList ! SystemList combobox.
Query SQL’s for the form frmSystemSub
(1) qSamples
SELECT tbSamples.SampleID, tbSamples.[Select], tbSamples.CHECKED,
tbSamples.GREASE_SAMPLE, tbSamples.OIL_SAMPLE, tbSamples.VA,
tbSamples.FLOC_ID, tbSamples.s, tbSamples.BHP_EQ, tbSamples.VA_CODE,
tbSamples.Transfered, tbSamples.FLOC_DESCRIPTION, tbSamples.[COST CENTER],
tbSamples.[CATALOG PROFILE], tbSamples.OILTYPE, tbSamples.FillQuantity,
tbSamples.MAINTPLANT, [Forms]![frmSystem]![Plant] AS Expr1
FROM tbSamples
WHERE (((tbSamples.MAINTPLANT)=[Forms]![frmSystem]![Plant])) OR
((([Forms]![frmSystem]![Plant]) Is Null));
(2) qSamples-1
SELECT qSamples.SampleID, qSamples.[Select], qSamples.CHECKED,
qSamples.GREASE_SAMPLE, qSamples.OIL_SAMPLE, qSamples.VA, qSamples.s,
qSamples.FLOC_ID, qSamples.BHP_EQ, qSamples.VA_CODE, qSamples.Transfered,
qSamples.[CATALOG PROFILE], qSamples.OILTYPE, qSamples.FillQuantity
FROM qSamples
WHERE (((qSamples.CHECKED)=True) AND ((qSamples.s) In (SELECT [SystemList]
FROM [tbSystemList])))
ORDER BY qSamples.s, qSamples.FLOC_ID;