Diminished reality?


Sep 30, 2005
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"Ever heard of diminished reality? It's much like the augmented sort, except instead of using computers to add information to one's field of vision, DR is about taking things out. That easy enough with a still image, perhaps, but the Technical University of Ilmenau's figured out a way to do it with full motion video. Just draw a circle around the object you want to disappear, and poof, it's practically gone, as the image synthesizer reduces the quality of the image drastically, removes your target and re-enhances in just 40 milliseconds per frame, using object tracking algorithms and guesswork to maintain the illusion as a camera moves around in 3D space. The framework's presently running on Windows, but the team tells us it has plans to port it to Android soon, and it will likely be free for non-commercial use."

The video is well worth a look.

"Sorry, no zits," laid the machine. "Take a good look at this world, how riddled it is with huge, gaping holes, how full of Nothingness, the Nothingness that fills the bottomless void between the stars, how everything about us has become lined with it, how it darkly lurks behind each shred of matter. This is your work, envious one! And I hardly think the future generations will bless you for it . . ."

Ah, our Leonard, saviour of 60's & 70's angst-ridden bedsit-dwellers.

Also, our Leonard had a somewhat amazing success with the female of the species.

Lucky leonard.

He played the 02 just down the road from me 2 years ago, I have the CD of that performance. It's good.

And he's Canadian :eek: