Hi - can someone explain the following please?
if I set up:
dim i , j, k, As Integer
i = 3.7
j = 3.7
k = 3.7
MsgBox i
MsgBox j
MsgBox k
Do the first two MsgBox show 3.7 and only the third as 4.00
In my basic understanding I am assuming that VB will only dim the variable
immediately to the left of As Integer and for the others it waits to set
their type until it comes across them. If this is right, is it bad
programming to declare similar cariable types on a single linbe
if I set up:
dim i , j, k, As Integer
i = 3.7
j = 3.7
k = 3.7
MsgBox i
MsgBox j
MsgBox k
Do the first two MsgBox show 3.7 and only the third as 4.00
In my basic understanding I am assuming that VB will only dim the variable
immediately to the left of As Integer and for the others it waits to set
their type until it comes across them. If this is right, is it bad
programming to declare similar cariable types on a single linbe