Dim cell AS range....

  • Thread starter Thread starter mike
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I would like to understand this..lets see if i understand
what it is telling vb to do.

Dim cell As Range, rng AS Range
Dim rng1 As Range

this is part of the whole code i have but i was thinking
of this part...
Does this mean that it is setting a "cell" as a range in
the whole workbook and when it sees what it is looking
for in that cell then that cell is referred to as rng1
for the moment?
can anyone clarify and tell me if i am close or in the


All that code is doing is declaring three variables as Range type
objects. These variables don't refer to any range or cell in
particular. They can be set to a specific cell or range of cells
with the Set command. For example,

Dim Rng1 As Range
Dim Rng2 As Range
Set Rng1 = Range("A1")
Set Rng2 = Cells.Find("abc")

If you attempt to use any of the variables without initializing
them with a Set command, you'll receive an error 91 - Object
Variable Not Set. Unless you specifically set the variable to a
particular range, it doesn't refer to any range. There is
nothing automatic going on.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
this code part is just the variable declaration. It tells VBA which
type of variable 'rng' or 'cell' are (you can replace these names with
whatever name you like)
Another example would be:
Dim Str as String

this tells VBA what Str is a string variable. You may take a look at
the following website to learn more about VBA:

All that code is doing is defining three variables, all of range datatype.
In itself, it does nothing, each variable is nothing at that point, but
worksheets ranges can be loaded (set cell = Range("A1")) and then used in
any subsequent processing. AT this point they also have no relationship to
one another.



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)