Our shop currently has three areas of webdevelopment. Our communications
department uses FrontPage, I do the ColdFusion which is being phased out and
our IS Applications area is using .Net.
Local development is on the individual's pc. Testa dn Production are on a
webserver at our ISP.
Communications used to develop locally and publish to Production. I'd do a
combination. Our applications people are new to web but have a routine they
follow for anything they develop. So now we're all working local to test to
Communications publishes from local to test. When they try to publish from
test to production they get a list of files in conflict which are coldfusion
and .net pages.
If they are going to publish from test to production we only want them to
publish FrontPage content. Not ColdFusion and .net. Is there a way to filter
out non-FrontPage content?
department uses FrontPage, I do the ColdFusion which is being phased out and
our IS Applications area is using .Net.
Local development is on the individual's pc. Testa dn Production are on a
webserver at our ISP.
Communications used to develop locally and publish to Production. I'd do a
combination. Our applications people are new to web but have a routine they
follow for anything they develop. So now we're all working local to test to
Communications publishes from local to test. When they try to publish from
test to production they get a list of files in conflict which are coldfusion
and .net pages.
If they are going to publish from test to production we only want them to
publish FrontPage content. Not ColdFusion and .net. Is there a way to filter
out non-FrontPage content?