The following items provide some hints:
It ought to since the LG01/02 uses a M-T engine. I cannot think
of any "pure" DEC line printer.
The ribbon that came with our LG01 had a Digital stick on label over
the Mannesmann Tally label.
The printer works OK so far. DEC appeared to have customized the
firmware in it to make it compatible with the semi standard DEC
escape sequences. Unfortunately, there are enough small differences
in the implementation of the sequences to make it a pain.
The "Dataproducts" interface is a 50-pin connector. Originally it was a
Winchester MRAC, but recent models (B-series and newer) have changed to a
DB-50. It is characterized by high true control signals and relatively
The "Centronics" interface is a 36-pin connector, using a Cinch style body
(the same as used on bulk telephone cables and Apple SCSI, except that those
both have 50 pins). It has low true control signals.
The confusion is that Dataproducts Corporation offers a Centronics-compat-
ible interface option, which seems to be what you have on your B600.
It is possible to convert between the two with some 7406/7407 chips and
can grab all the +5 you need out of the Dataproducts interface.
Lantronix's "Dataproducts" support is abysmal. I went around and around
with their techs on this. There are a large number of problems, including
the fact that Lantronix doesn't handle the generic Dataproducts spec prop-
erly. The generic Dataproducts interface has some pretty "stiff" termination
which the Lantronix can't drive because it's using the outputs from their
gate array directly (a very bad idea). The Dataproducts spec (non-long line)
says that the drivers have to be 7407 or equivalent. The EPS can't source/
sink enough current. Lantronix's excuse is to remove all the terminators in
the printer. That doesn't always handle it, though.
The DEC version of the Dataproducts interface card (at least on the LP25/
26) is a standard Dataproducts card with (I believe) 220/330 terminators.
Lantronix *insists* that the DEC version has a slightly different pinout,
even though I verified the interface to be identical to the generic one. I
also pointed out 2 errors in the Lantronix pinout chart in their manual.