BenJamin said:
when I use mini-lab I recive an error message
"not enough menory" Help?
This is a resource issue. Close all programs
before opening DIS10, especially virus scanners.
Open fewer image files in an editing session.
Install more RAM.
Try increasing the size of your paging file:
(308417) HOW TO: Set Performance Options
in Windows XP
Running Disk Cleanup, Error Checking and
Defrag on a regular schedule is a good idea.
(310312) Description of the Disk Cleanup
Tool in Windows XP
(315265) How to Perform Disk Error Checking
in Windows XP
(check the two boxes..."Automatically fix file
system errors" and "Scan for and attempt
recovery of bad sectors") the utility will run
the next time you restart your computer.
(run error checking repeatedly until it finds
no errors)
(314848) How to Defragment Your Disk
Drive Volumes in Windows XP
(305781) HOW TO: Analyze and Defragment
a Disk in Windows XP
If you have lots of images open and have done
several edits...the undo stack can take quite a
bit of memory. Might be worth a try to save your
work, close the program and start over once in
a while just to clear the undo stack.