When we take pics with our D80 at max camera resoltion and then process the
pics thru DI9. The edited picture comes out not at the 2.5mg of the camera
but as a 250k picture that has very poor resolution. We need the max
sharpness that the camera can give us in the prints. We are shooting objects
at 4 ft, 35mm/f8, A priority setting, on a Manfrotto w/ball head tripod and
using a remote flash control.
We have read every thing we can find and check all of our camera settings.
We post the pics thru DI9 using a HP L2208w screen set to the max
resolution. Pics look bad on the screen and print out the same way.
Why does the DI9 software reduce the resoultion by 90%. Is ther some setting
that we are missing. Do I need Photo shop? Any suggestions are appreciated.
pics thru DI9. The edited picture comes out not at the 2.5mg of the camera
but as a 250k picture that has very poor resolution. We need the max
sharpness that the camera can give us in the prints. We are shooting objects
at 4 ft, 35mm/f8, A priority setting, on a Manfrotto w/ball head tripod and
using a remote flash control.
We have read every thing we can find and check all of our camera settings.
We post the pics thru DI9 using a HP L2208w screen set to the max
resolution. Pics look bad on the screen and print out the same way.
Why does the DI9 software reduce the resoultion by 90%. Is ther some setting
that we are missing. Do I need Photo shop? Any suggestions are appreciated.