I just found that my hacker roommate has signed MY digital ID..has all codes
and is accessing all my contents in XP media edtion. whrn I tried to add
something It told me that I was invalid information. Matt has registered the
compter to himself thru Sony vaio..has top admin rights ..I have admin
privilages....I wondered what was going on with all my signins and my email
is totally messed up...I have 3 identies and now none of them are getting my
usual mail , wont accept my password in two id's and they NEVER get mail
anymore. I do online banking fora several people and have access to their
bank acct.......now so does Matt.......please tell me what to do . I am self
taught on all my experience with computers for about 18 months help dagny
and is accessing all my contents in XP media edtion. whrn I tried to add
something It told me that I was invalid information. Matt has registered the
compter to himself thru Sony vaio..has top admin rights ..I have admin
privilages....I wondered what was going on with all my signins and my email
is totally messed up...I have 3 identies and now none of them are getting my
usual mail , wont accept my password in two id's and they NEVER get mail
anymore. I do online banking fora several people and have access to their
bank acct.......now so does Matt.......please tell me what to do . I am self
taught on all my experience with computers for about 18 months help dagny