digital concepts card reader error



okay, so i bought a card reader and tried using it. it didn't come with an
installation disk, it has a plug-and-play interface. it plugs in just fine
and all the ports (e-h) show up fine, but when i insert an XD or SD card, i
get some trouble there. if i insert an XD card to get some pictures, but then
everything goes wrong. sometimes i can't even get to the pictures, but when i
do the pictures cannot be copied and just freeze up explorer. most of the
time i have to restart explorer because it crashes. can anyone help me out?
i'd really like to get my pictures from my camera.

Colin Barnhorst

What card reader? Unless you give specifics it would just be guessing for
anyone to try to advise you other than asking the standard questions of
"have you checked the manufacturer's website to see if it is Vista
compatible?", and "did you check the hardware compatibility list at"

Colin Barnhorst

The model number really helps. Thanks. I finally found some reviews at

One in particular is telling:

"By old guy from earth on 12/10/2007
Pros:None yet
Cons:Doesn't have driver, Does not work
Best Uses:As a door stop
Describe Yourself:professional
Bottom Line:No, I would not recommend this to a friendI've worked in IT for
over 15 years and this is not a RTFM or PICNIC issue (despite Joe's
suggestion) the driver disk is simply empty.

If you have purchased one - return it and get the Targus version. (Which
works on both PC or MAC without the need for a driver.)"

Of course, some of the reviews are quite favorable but about half don't
favor it. Maybe the old guy is right and you should swap it out on the
Targus since you just got it.

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