/karinafinny/ said:
My Thinkpad has Windows Vista and it is not reading the camera at all
(not even as an external drive, anything)
Message when camera connected with USB and clicked "on"
"installing device driver software" -->
"device driver software was not successfully installed"
I was on the phone with Canon support for about an hour last week and
tried everything from installation to rebooting, etc. He said to
"wait around" for some new Vista/Canon updates - whatever that means!
Any advice would be great. I agree that it's stupid that I have to
buy a card reader just because Canon SD1000/Vista can't be
Card readers are dirt cheap, and use of same may save wear and tear on the
fragile USB plug cover. The card cover seems a bit more robust, but
that's on an A570 is, not the 1000.
Canon's WEB site says...
"Most Canon digital cameras that support the Picture Transfer Protocol
(PTP) standard will connect to PCs running Windows Vista and allow for
basic image transfer functionality. This includes all Canon digital
cameras produced in the last several years. Please see the table below
to see if your camera model is Vista compatible." The 1000 is not
listed as being INcompatible with Vista.
PTP-compatible cameras should require no special driver; just plug them
in, then turn on the camera. A drive letter appears in Windows
Explorer/My Computer. Apparently though, that isn't working for you.