For your standby situation, try the following with the camera turned on, and attached to a power adapter:
Control Panel> System> Device Manager button> Scroll down to and expand USB Controller list> One by one, click on each USB HOST, Controller, and other USB entry listed there.
I would first check the USB Hosts first> Check the devices under the Power tab> See if there is a camera related entry listed there. If so, and there is Power Management tab in the USB Root/Controller Properties box> Click on tab> And uncheck box to turn off power to the device when power is not needed.
In addition to the above, you might try, is to look at the program that you are using run you camera as a webcam. Under its options/preferences/tools, there may be a setting to automatically shut off camera if idle for XX minutes.
One more thing that I can think of, is that the camera has a built-in default, of shutting off after 5 minutes being idle. Especially of you are just running off the batteries installed. You may need to install from the camera's CD, the drivers and software for the camera. There may be a setting in the camera's software for the camera's power management, when using a power adapter.
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I have a Canon IXUS V3
No special soft ware required
just plugged it in to the USB as if i was going to down load some pics and
turned it on
hey presto - worked as webcam
only problem - it has built in standby (that I haven't found a way to turn
off) and after 5 mins it powers down
and i need to turn the camera back on