Paul Kay
In 'My App' I have a button which when tapped minimises the app and when
tapped and held closes the app. (The button is a version of the 'image
button' posted around the CF websites, apologies to it's original author, I
forget for now who posted the original)
This works fine on PPC2002 but on WMforPPC2003 the area of the underlying
Today screen beneath the button does not get redrawn, leaving initailly a
ghost of the button in it's tap and hold state and subsequently a ghost of
that portion of any other application run.
I have tried various techniques to resolve this on theWMforPPC2003 device
(in this case an Ipaq 2210) to no avail.
My current app close code is in essence :
MySleep(500) ' A call to the API Sleep, in case 'things were happening too
quickly' on the WMf0rPPC2003 device
' An attempt (successful) to destroy the window as all else seemed to fail
Dim hWindow As IntPtr
hWindow =FindWindow(Nothing, Me.Text)
Me.Text = ""
SendMessage(hWindow, WM_DESTROY,0,0)
MySleep(500) ' Ditto
To re-iterate all the above works fine on PPC2002 (in fact it works without
the .Hide, the sleeps, and the window Destroy.... the simple .Close is
Any ideas anyone?
Is it WMPforPPC2003, the Ipaq, the CF runtime.
Having typed all this out, I've had a thought... could it be that the CF
Runtime SP1 has been installed on the PPC2002 nad I need to force an install
of it onto the 2003 device?
I'll be Back
tapped and held closes the app. (The button is a version of the 'image
button' posted around the CF websites, apologies to it's original author, I
forget for now who posted the original)
This works fine on PPC2002 but on WMforPPC2003 the area of the underlying
Today screen beneath the button does not get redrawn, leaving initailly a
ghost of the button in it's tap and hold state and subsequently a ghost of
that portion of any other application run.
I have tried various techniques to resolve this on theWMforPPC2003 device
(in this case an Ipaq 2210) to no avail.
My current app close code is in essence :
MySleep(500) ' A call to the API Sleep, in case 'things were happening too
quickly' on the WMf0rPPC2003 device
' An attempt (successful) to destroy the window as all else seemed to fail
Dim hWindow As IntPtr
hWindow =FindWindow(Nothing, Me.Text)
Me.Text = ""
SendMessage(hWindow, WM_DESTROY,0,0)
MySleep(500) ' Ditto
To re-iterate all the above works fine on PPC2002 (in fact it works without
the .Hide, the sleeps, and the window Destroy.... the simple .Close is
Any ideas anyone?
Is it WMPforPPC2003, the Ipaq, the CF runtime.
Having typed all this out, I've had a thought... could it be that the CF
Runtime SP1 has been installed on the PPC2002 nad I need to force an install
of it onto the 2003 device?
I'll be Back