hey guys
i m working on a application for window live mail password recovery which
is stored in windows file as *.oeaccount...but still i am not getting one
thing that what the thing its is using as entropy..means i am not getting
exactly what the field values for cryptunprotected
will you please help
you are most welcome to shade a light on this article
thanks and regards
varun abnsal
Stefan Helmig wrote:
Hello Steve,Yes, now it's working. Thank you.
Hello Steve,
Yes, now it's working. Thank you.
I was wondering because there were no differences
between the *.oeaccount files. Then I recognized
there is a diffrence between the
<POP3_Password2 type="BINARY">[_CRYPT]_</POP3_Password2>
<SMTP_Password2 type="BINARY">[_CRYPT]_</SMTP_Password2>
fields in diffrent accounts.
I think they use the UID or username for
encrypting/decrypting these passwords...
Previous Posts In This Thread:
Hello Steve,How do I know which .oeaccount files belong to whichuser?
Hello Steve,
How do I know which .oeaccount files belong to which
user? I have two diffrent account{_CRYPT_}.oeaccount
files in the root of the MailStore. Additionaly I have
7 account{_CRYPT_}.oeaccount files in the LocalFolders
subdirectory of the mailstore. I have 7 mailaccounts and
1 news-serveraccount with my windows standard-user account.
And which file have to be copied in which way?
I hope you can explain it more detailed.
Re: Diffrent Vista Accounts and one MailStore
Here is information on the accounts:
Each account file is an xml file that is readable and editable in Notepad.
So you can find out which account is which by reading the contents.
Then you just make a copy of the account files for one user and store that
in a backup directory. Then you make a backup for the other user. Then
create a batch file that copies the account files from the backup to the
correct location for each user. Then when you boot, run the batch file
that user and you won't be prompted for passwords then.
Hello Steve,Yes, now it's working. Thank you.
Hello Steve,
Yes, now it's working. Thank you.
I was wondering because there were no differences
between the *.oeaccount files. Then I recognized
there is a diffrence between the
<POP3_Password2 type="BINARY">[_CRYPT]_</POP3_Password2>
<SMTP_Password2 type="BINARY">[_CRYPT]_</SMTP_Password2>
fields in diffrent accounts.
I think they use the UID or username for
encrypting/decrypting these passwords...
Hello Steve,I recognized now that you have to care about swichtingbetween
Hello Steve,
I recognized now that you have to care about swichting
between users if you copy these *.oaccount-files to the
"common" mail-store.
I use now a batch file to open the windwos mail application,
but if I switch (not logoff) to an another user account
and Windows Mail is not closed there will be problems
if you start the Windows Mail from an another account
and using this workaround on the same "common"
It would be good to locate the account files
seperated from the mailstore.... or alternativ
start the applictaion with only one account using
runas /profile user:mashine/user /savcred "Windows Mail"
runas /noprofile user:mashine/user /savcred "Windows Mail"
But this mechanism is broken at the moment on my vista
and I don't know why :-(
I don't think you can do much better at this point.
I do not think you can do much better at this point. You will just have
close WinMail before you switch users.
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Dr. Dotnetsky's Cool .NET Tips & Tricks # 12