Difficulty Saving! It doesn't!

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Boynton
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John Boynton


I have read through a bunch of these post...tried to do
all sorts of different hints but still zero success!

I have created a Movie using a bunch of different images
basically jpegs. I have also used transitions, some
picture effects, narrations, a few short digital video
clips from digital camera, and music. Pretty basic
stuff...I think.

It says the size of the file is 614 megs when choosing to
save under most formats.

Although I can view the file in the preview pain I am
trying to save it as a movie...no luck. It begins the
process and sometimes crashes, other times makes it
through but when I check leaves out neary 1/2 the
pictures..but leaves sound..odd. It seems every time I
try to save it no matter what file type I choose it saves
partially and either crashes completly or only saves
partially. It has occasionally also shot up the amount
minutes remaining and hung.

Please help..

Thanks in advance!

ooh forgot about this stuff...not sure if it is relevant
or not. I have a pretty new ..6 months old.. HP Media
Center PC. It has a 3 ghz processor with hyper threading
and 512 MB DDR SDRAM. There is plenty of room on the HD
over 100 gigs.

Any other relevant info required let me know.

Yes i have seen your site...very very informative. Still
however I am at a loss. I get zero error messages...and
lots of times it just crashes. I doubt it is a memory
thing since my pc seems to have more then enough...just
inc ase what is typically recomended? I did notice my
process rarely go above 65%...I figured it is because
lots of power in PC...but may be wrong.

Any further ideas? I have been able to save smaller...yet
still large movies.
How long is your movie? about how many clips? if you can save smaller
projects, and only have problems with the bigger one... it might be a
complexity issue.

I'd start by assuming it's not too complex and see if a hard drive defrag
and turning off other running apps gets you further.

Movie Maker 2 - www.papajohn.org
Photo Story 2 - www.photostory.papajohn.org


Thank you. The Defrag worked! I have been able to save in
the larger format it is about 8 gigs! I am now in process
of saving in smaller format so it can be share!

I appreciate your assistance!