CT said:
Without getting involved in one of those C# vs. VB .NET "wars" I agree with
Miha; I simply can't see how it should give you a better idea of what you're
doing. If anything VB .NET is easier to learn (from scratch) than C#. Don't
get me wrong, I use both languages.
I'm not sure Miha was saying that - I read Miha's comment as C# not
taking longer than VB.NET. There *are* things which VB.NET hides from
the developer, so that it's not obvious what's going on:
o Properties being "passed by reference" by introducing a hidden local
o Event handlers being added and removed more "secretively" than in C#
(if you use the "WithEvents"/"Handles ..." way of writing things)
o Automatic creation/fetching of forms when they're referenced (not so
sure about this one - it's an old memory)
For the most part I agree they're very similar, but there *are*
elements where VB.NET effectively it less obvious what's going on at
the IL/CLR level than C#.