difficult to find post



I need help finding my post and replies to it. I keep
track of the date I initially post a message but rarely
am able to find it again without laboriously going
through pages and pages of posts because the posts do not
always seem to be in consecutive order. I am able to
use "search" and verify I have the time and date right
but that doesn't show the replies or help me find the
post. There must be an easier way. Please help.

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

bill said:
I need help finding my post and replies to it. I keep
track of the date I initially post a message but rarely
am able to find it again without laboriously going
through pages and pages of posts because the posts do not
always seem to be in consecutive order. I am able to
use "search" and verify I have the time and date right
but that doesn't show the replies or help me find the
post. There must be an easier way. Please help.

Hi - yes, there is an easier way. Consider using a newsreader like Outlook
Express or Forte Agent rather than the web interface to the newsgroups -
it's a lot easier to do nearly everything there, including searching, which
is always a good idea to do before you post, as well as mark messages to be
watched, and filter based on replies to your posts.

The Microsoft public news server is msnews.microsoft.com and you can
subscribe to as many groups as you like.

For tips on using the web interface, should you prefer to use it, see

Ken Blake, MVP

bill said:
I need help finding my post and replies to it. I keep
track of the date I initially post a message but rarely
am able to find it again without laboriously going
through pages and pages of posts because the posts do not
always seem to be in consecutive order. I am able to
use "search" and verify I have the time and date right
but that doesn't show the replies or help me find the
post. There must be an easier way. Please help.

Yes, there's a *much* easier way.

The reason you're having such problems is that you are using the
web interface to read this newsgroup--it's the slowest,
clunkiest, most error-prone method there is. Do yourself a favor
and switch to a newsreader, such as Outlook Express, which comes
with Windows.

See http://www.michaelstevenstech.com/outlookexpressnewreader.htm

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