In the first one, you specify the library you want to reach, in the second
case, you get the ListView from the first library which exposes such an
entity, and by 'first', that means an order, and the order is the one you
get by opening: Tools | References... (in VBE)
So, if you are lucky, of if only one library exposes a ListView entity, both
are equivalent.
The problem can be seen as in the case of Recordset:
Dim rst AS DAO.Recordset
Dim uvw AS ADODB.Recordset
Dim xzy AS Recordset
Is xyz be a DAO recordset, or an ADO recordset is anyone guess, and may even
change if ever your reference order changes!
So, unless you are pretty sure you won't have name collision from different
libraries, prefix with the library name.
Vanderghast, Access MVP