Different users, different email packages...



Hi there,

Something that's been puzzling me for a while, and I wonder if anyone can
help me. I've searched high and low for the solution (and I'm not sure if
there is one).

I have 2 users on my XP Pro machine at home.
User 1 prefers to use Thunderbird as an email client.
User 2 prefers to use Lotus Notes as an email client.

If I set the default mailto handler to Thunderbird, then when user 2 clicks
on a mailto link, Thunderbird is started. Similarly with Lotus Notes (or any
other email application, come to think of it).

I've tried setting the default under Internet Explorer, also under Set
Program Access and Defaults, but have not been able to crack it.

What I want to happen is that when user 1 is logged in and they click on a
mailto link, Thunderbird should start, and when user 2 logs in and clicks on
a mailto link, Lotus Notes should start.

Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm happy making changes to the registry,
if that's what it takes.


David Parkes

Sorry I cannot help you. Is there any reason why they don't use Outlook. I
have never used Thunderbird, but I have notes. Notes isn't a nice program I
find. Its a bit tempremental.


Without sounding flippant, that's why I don't use Outlook.

Anyway, the choice of email client isn't the issue here, for Lotus Notes,
you could replace it with Outlook or Eudora or anything you like. The issue
is that I can't have one default email client for one user and another for a
different user... unless someone knows any different.



newmattie said:
Without sounding flippant, that's why I don't use Outlook.

Anyway, the choice of email client isn't the issue here, for Lotus Notes,
you could replace it with Outlook or Eudora or anything you like. The
issue is that I can't have one default email client for one user and
another for a different user... unless someone knows any different.


have a look here: This should do what you want.



What sort of an answer is that...? "Is there any reason why they don't use
Outlook"? Yeah, because he doesn't like viruses.

The whole world isn't besotted with Microsoft and their products David.

Mike Mueller

I can ask the same thing about your reply

: What sort of an answer is that...? "Is there any reason
why they don't use
: Outlook"? Yeah, because he doesn't like viruses.
: The whole world isn't besotted with Microsoft and their
products David.
: "David Parkes" wrote:
: > Sorry I cannot help you. Is there any reason why they
don't use Outlook. I
: > have never used Thunderbird, but I have notes. Notes
isn't a nice program I
: > find. Its a bit tempremental.
: >
: >
: >

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