different languages in search results

  • Thread starter Thread starter cindee
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Can anyone tell me why, all of a sudden, I'm seeing every
conceivable language in my IE search results? THis is
happening when I search with MSN, Google or Yahoo. Is
there a setting that I hit or something; what could have
made this change?

Thanks a lot!

Usually any sudden different behavior in your browser is related to changing
some settings, or installing an application that changed the settings.
Have you installed any automatic Updates from Microsoft? (Also what is your
Operating system, and IE version?)
Have you installed any third party applications? I would recommend a spyware
scan, as search assistants that are often installed from Yahoo, or E-bay
corrupt your search results. I have used Spy Sweeper, and it helped find a
lot of viruses. http://www.spysweeper.com, there is a free version. If you
do not like it, search the newsgroups here, searching for Spyware, or hijack
as key words, and many others have listed spyware removal programs they

Hope this helps.

Elizabeth Chubbuck [MSFT]

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