In addition to what William said, I would add the first book I bought was
"Microsoft Visual C++ .NET Step by Step" from Microsoft Press. Its pretty
good. Although it covers things more from a .NET than a VC++ angle. It does
go into using managed as well as unmanaged code which is very helpful. If
your looking to rely more heavily on the .NET this would be a good start. If
you want to be able to mix and match managed/unmanged code then you'll also
need to become more familar with VC++, MFC, ATL, etc. There are lots of
books out there for these too, to many in fact for me to just recommend one
or two without really doing some homework

I often find that I am going
through the TOC of many of my books scanning for pertainent topics. More
often than not I end up scanning the many source code sites, newgroups and
doing general web searches as well... there is just so much out there.