I've been using Nvidia cards since the dawn of 3d games and been
quite happy with it till recently. That is untill I bought a Gforce
9600. This card is a heap of shit and offers no performance improvement
over my old Gforce 4200Ti.
I've heard a lot of good things about ATI cards but don't want to get a
lateral upgrade. Would like to see a significant performance improvement
over the Gforce 9600.
Not knowing too much about ATI cards, my question is..
Is there much difference between the ATI 9800pro and 9800XP ?
Is there any point in getting a 256MB card over a 128MB ? (ie, are there
any games that use 256MB of Video RAM ?)
The I'm leaning towards the 128MB 9800pro cards as they are
significantly cheaper then the 9800XT.
quite happy with it till recently. That is untill I bought a Gforce
9600. This card is a heap of shit and offers no performance improvement
over my old Gforce 4200Ti.
I've heard a lot of good things about ATI cards but don't want to get a
lateral upgrade. Would like to see a significant performance improvement
over the Gforce 9600.
Not knowing too much about ATI cards, my question is..
Is there much difference between the ATI 9800pro and 9800XP ?
Is there any point in getting a 256MB card over a 128MB ? (ie, are there
any games that use 256MB of Video RAM ?)
The I'm leaning towards the 128MB 9800pro cards as they are
significantly cheaper then the 9800XT.