Difference office versions

  • Thread starter Thread starter oldjay
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I am trying to test for various versions of office.
The following doesn't work.
Need help

Private Sub CommandButton39_Click() 'Add new customer
Dim X As String
Dim Y As String
Dim Z As String

On Error GoTo ehandler3

X = Shell("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE
\\SERVER3\database\customers.MDB", 1)
Exit Sub

On Error GoTo ehandler4

Y = Shell("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\MSACCESS.EXE
\\SERVER3\database\customers.MDB", 1)
Exit Sub


Z = Shell("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\MSACCESS.EXE
\\SERVER3\database\customers.MDB", 1)

End Sub
I inserted "ThisVersion = Application.Version" as the first line of the Sub.

Same result

I don't understand whay you mean by 'Same result'

try it in an empty sub with no other code

Sub version()
MsgBox Application.version
End Sub

This spreadsheet is used by different people using different versions of
Office. The purpose is to detect which version they are using and open the
proper Access database. It works for 2 version of Office but not 3.
I am wondering if you can have an On Error Goto ehandler3 under another On
Error Goto ehandler2??
Public gXLver As Long

Sub test()
gXLver = Val(Application.Version) ' in startup routine

If gXLver >= 10 Then
' XL 2002, 2003, 2007
' (2010 will be 14)
' XL 97 Or 2000
End If

End Sub

Depending on what you are doing you can't necessarily put XL2002+ methods in
the same routine or even module. Even if the code doesn't get called in the
earlier version a compile error can occur if the object or arguments in a
built in function are nor recognized.

Peter T
I guess I don't explain my self very well. If you look at the Sub you will
see that I am trying to open an access database, I first must know what
Version of Office the user has. Then I must open that version and then open
the customer database on a server. My problem is I can test for 2 versions of
Office but not 3
I don't understand the problem, you can test and respond for all versions.

*warning air-code*

Dim nVer as long
Dim sFile as string

nVer = Val(Application.Version)

Select Case nVer
Case 10 : sFile = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE
\\SERVER3\database\customers.MD" ' mdb ?
Case 11 : sFile = "< the 2003 version>"
Case 12: sFile = "< the 2007 cersion>"
End select

If Len(sFile) then
result = Shell(sFile,1)
msgbox "File doesn't exist for use in Office 97 or 2000"
End If

Peter T
Sorry I am so slow


Peter T said:
I don't understand the problem, you can test and respond for all versions.

*warning air-code*

Dim nVer as long
Dim sFile as string

nVer = Val(Application.Version)

Select Case nVer
Case 10 : sFile = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSACCESS.EXE
\\SERVER3\database\customers.MD" ' mdb ?
Case 11 : sFile = "< the 2003 version>"
Case 12: sFile = "< the 2007 cersion>"
End select

If Len(sFile) then
result = Shell(sFile,1)
msgbox "File doesn't exist for use in Office 97 or 2000"
End If

Peter T