I bought a 2600+ AthlonXP-M, and this is my experience.
1) Multiplier is unlocked. It helps to have a motherboard where
you can set the multiplier in the BIOS.
2) The first time you start up the motherboard, the CPU may be running
at 600 to 800MHz (I don't remember the exact figure - the default
multiplier is a relatively low value).
3) The VID coding is slightly different than a desktop processor.
That means at startup, it won't request the exact same voltage
as a desktop processor would. Since your processor is a 3000+ though,
the default voltage it asks for, will be pretty high, and probably
not that much different than normal. Some BIOS use the VID they read
from the processor, to determine the voltage adjustment range, and
that can present problems for people who undervolt, for cool operation.
For VID codings, the table on fab51.com is good. See the table in the
section entitled "L11 : Code to CORE Voltage Definition". My processor
is a "1.450(Q)", meaning AMD wanted it to run at 1.45V when used as
a 2600+ mobile. But when plugged into my motherboard, the Vcore regulator
runs it at 1.575V, just like the fab51.com table shows. This is OK, as my
eventual voltage selection was 1.65V for best stability. If I go much
higher than that in voltage, in fact my motherboard won't POST.
There is a table of processors here.
Notice that a 3200+ Barton, has an actual core clock rate of 2000MHz.
With my brand new mobile processor, I set the input clock to the CPU
to 200MHz. That makes the FSB run at FSB400. For a multiplier, I
set the multiplier to 10x, so that 200x10 = 2000MHz, so that my
processor would be overclocked to be a top of the line 3200+.
I set the Vcore voltage in the BIOS to 1.65V, and tested for stability
with Prime95 (Orthos is also good for this).
http://sp2004.fre3.com/beta/beta2.htm (Orthos tester)
The multiplier is also known as the FID (frequency ID). It is a five bit
value, allowing 32 possible codings. My motherboard has hardware control
signals for only the lower four bits of the FID. This means my motherboard
has limited control of the multiplier. I can select multipliers in the
"low" range. The low range goes up to a multiplier of 12.5. To select a
higher multiplier than that on my motherboard, I have to stick a wire in
the S462 socket, to short a couple holes together. That would expose multipliers
from 13x upwards.
So in my case, my choices are easy ones. I use FSB400, so that I won't need
a high multiplier value to get good use from the processor. If you used
a low FSB, like FSB266, then you'd need a higher value of multiplier, to
get the core cranking along.
The Asrock motherboard in question, supports FSB333. That gives 166MHz feeding
the processor. To run it like it was an AthlonXP 3200+, the multiplier would
need to be 12x. 166 * 12 = 2000MHz. Just a matter of seeing if the motherboard
can set the multiplier or not. OK, I checked the manual and it has jumpers for

Should be loads of fun... No need for wire tricks at all.
Note - if you don't trust the table in the manual, in terms of
defining the multiplier values correctly, try running the processor
with the CPU input clock running at 100MHz. Then, if you accidentally
select a much higher than normal multiplier value, then there is
less chance of harm to the processor. 100x24 is 2400MHz, and my processor
can run at that speed, and so should yours be able to run that fast.
I didn't see any benefit from the high clock, which is why mine runs
at 2000MHz all the time. It is more stable that way. The AthlonXP is
a fine processor, but the FSB is what holds it back. Now that
AMD has the memory controller on the processor, on their later sockets,
the FSB is no longer an issue.
Once you've verified how the multiplier jumpers work, then you can set the
CPU input clock to its final value of 166MHz (or whatever you can get away
with). Using 100Mhz initially, is just while you're verifying the multiplier
jumpers. Not all multiplier settings will result in the processor running,
and I believe values like "3X" or "4X" don't work (fab51.com table has a
strikeout line through those choices).